Earplug toss

Video diptych, 53 seconds (looped) 2018.

I am forever losing earplugs. I carry earplugs in my pockets, my knapsack, my wallet. I toss them absentmindedly while gesturing in conversation, I find them, like breadcrumbs, on the streets surrounding my home. I once woke up with an earplug in my mouth. It was squishy, moist, and alarming.

Why not call suppliers and ask them to describe the particular orange of their product, ordering hundreds of the garish earplugs of your heart? Why not carry them, by the handful, in every pocket possible, place them both strategically and absent mindedly around your home, so that they may be available at any moment in this loud, loud world?

And, when given the opportunity, why not throw earplugs like confetti in front of, at and beside mountains, crossing frigid glacier-fed streams to do so?