Whycocomagh Skillshare

The Whycocomagh Skillshare was an informal forum for the exchange of thoughts, skills and knowledge in Whycocomagh, NS and its surroundings. The skillshare took form as an ongoing series of free workshops, presentations and activities presented by community members on topics and areas of personal or professional interest.  Examples include:  Introduction to Gaelic and Mi’kmaq, Fast Walkers of Whycocomagh, Slow Walkers of Whycocomagh, A Geological Cakewalk, Call Me Maybe:  experiments and the nature of science, Knot Just Knitters, Vacation Slideshows, stuff-swaps, and games afternoons.

Conceived in response to the realities of living in a rural context, the skillshare was an attempt to actively seek out modes of social, intellectual and cultural exchange in a safe and accessible space while challenging normative ideals of expertise, ability, and value.